// source --> http://hangacsimarton.hu/wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/assets/js/frontend.min.js?ver=7.10.4 ;var MonsterInsights=function(){var t=[],a='';this.setLastClicked=function(e,n,i){e=typeof e!=='undefined'?e:[];n=typeof n!=='undefined'?n:[];i=typeof i!=='undefined'?i:!1;t.valuesArray=e;t.fieldsArray=n};this.getLastClicked=function(){return t};this.setInternalAsOutboundCategory=function(e){a=e};this.getInternalAsOutboundCategory=function(){return a};this.sendEvent=function(t){e([],t)};function s(){if(window.monsterinsights_debug_mode){return!0} else{return!1}};function e(e,n){e=typeof e!=='undefined'?e:[];n=typeof n!=='undefined'?n:{};__gaTracker('send',n);t.valuesArray=e;t.fieldsArray=n;t.tracked=!0;i('Tracked: '+e.type);i(t)};function n(e){e=typeof e!=='undefined'?e:[];t.valuesArray=e;t.fieldsArray=[];t.tracked=!1;i('Not Tracked: '+e.exit);i(t)};function i(e){if(s()){console.dir(e)}};function o(e){return e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,'')};function f(){var n=0,e=document.domain,i=e.split('.'),t='_gd'+(new Date()).getTime();while(n<(i.length-1)&&document.cookie.indexOf(t+'='+t)==-1){e=i.slice(-1-(++n)).join('.');document.cookie=t+'='+t+';domain='+e+';'};document.cookie=t+'=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;domain='+e+';';return e};function u(e){e=e.toString();e=e.substring(0,(e.indexOf('#')==-1)?e.length:e.indexOf('#'));e=e.substring(0,(e.indexOf('?')==-1)?e.length:e.indexOf('?'));e=e.substring(e.lastIndexOf('/')+1,e.length);if(e.length>0&&e.indexOf('.')!==-1){e=e.substring(e.indexOf('.')+1);return e} else{return''}};function h(){return typeof(__gaTracker)!=='undefined'&&__gaTracker&&__gaTracker.hasOwnProperty('loaded')&&__gaTracker.loaded==!0};function y(e){return e.which==1||e.which==2||e.metaKey||e.ctrlKey||e.shiftKey||e.altKey};function c(){var e=[];if(typeof monsterinsights_frontend.download_extensions=='string'){e=monsterinsights_frontend.download_extensions.split(',')};return e};function d(){var e=[];if(typeof monsterinsights_frontend.inbound_paths=='string'){e=JSON.parse(monsterinsights_frontend.inbound_paths)};return e};function b(e){if(e.which==1){return'event.which=1'} else if(e.which==2){return'event.which=2'} else if(e.metaKey){return'metaKey'} else if(e.ctrlKey){return'ctrlKey'} else if(e.shiftKey){return'shiftKey'} else if(e.altKey){return'altKey'} else{return''}};function m(e){var h=c(),i=d(),t='unknown',g=e.href,p=u(e.href),v=f(),l=e.hostname,r=e.protocol,y=e.pathname;g=g.toString();var s,b,m=e.getAttribute('data-vars-ga-category');if(m){return m};if(g.match(/^javascript\:/i)){t='internal'} else if(r&&r.length>0&&(o(r)=='tel'||o(r)=='tel:')){t='tel'} else if(r&&r.length>0&&(o(r)=='mailto'||o(r)=='mailto:')){t='mailto'} else if(l&&v&&l.length>0&&v.length>0&&!l.endsWith('.'+v)&&l!==v){t='external'} else if(y&&JSON.stringify(i)!='{}'&&y.length>0){var w=i.length;for(var n=0;n0&&i[n].label.length>0&&y.startsWith(i[n].path)){t='internal-as-outbound';a='outbound-link-'+i[n].label;break}}} else if(l&&window.monsterinsights_experimental_mode&&l.length>0&&document.domain.length>0&&l!==document.domain){t='cross-hostname'};if(p&&(t==='unknown'||'external'===t)&&h.length>0&&p.length>0){for(s=0,b=h.length;s0&&(g.endsWith(h[s])||h[s]==p)){t='download';break}}};if(t==='unknown'){t='internal'};return t};function w(e,t){var n=(e.target&&!e.target.match(/^_(self|parent|top)$/i))?e.target:!1;if(t.ctrlKey||t.shiftKey||t.metaKey||t.which==2){n='_blank'};return n};function g(e){if(e.getAttribute('data-vars-ga-label')&&e.getAttribute('data-vars-ga-label').replace(/\n/ig,'')){return e.getAttribute('data-vars-ga-label').replace(/\n/ig,'')} else if(e.title&&e.title.replace(/\n/ig,'')){return e.title.replace(/\n/ig,'')} else if(e.innerText&&e.innerText.replace(/\n/ig,'')){return e.innerText.replace(/\n/ig,'')} else if(e.getAttribute('aria-label')&&e.getAttribute('aria-label').replace(/\n/ig,'')){return e.getAttribute('aria-label').replace(/\n/ig,'')} else if(e.alt&&e.alt.replace(/\n/ig,'')){return e.alt.replace(/\n/ig,'')} else if(e.textContent&&e.textContent.replace(/\n/ig,'')){return e.textContent.replace(/\n/ig,'')} else{return undefined}};function x(e){var i=e.children,a=0,r,n;for(var t=0;t>>0;if(i===0){return-1};t=i-1;if(arguments.length>1){t=Number(arguments[1]);if(t!=t){t=0} else if(t!=0&&t!=(1/0)&&t!=-(1/0)){t=(t>0||-1)*Math.floor(Math.abs(t))}};for(n=t>=0?Math.min(t,i-1):i-Math.abs(t);n>=0;n--){if(n in a&&a[n]===e){return n}};return-1}}},MonsterInsightsObject=new MonsterInsights(); // source --> http://hangacsimarton.hu/wp-content/plugins/everest-gallery/js/jquery.bxslider.js?ver=1.0.4 /** * bxSlider v4.2.1d * Copyright 2013-2017 Steven Wanderski * Written while drinking Belgian ales and listening to jazz * Licensed under MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) */ ;(function($) { var defaults = { // GENERAL mode: 'horizontal', slideSelector: '', infiniteLoop: true, hideControlOnEnd: false, speed: 500, easing: null, slideMargin: 0, startSlide: 0, randomStart: false, captions: false, ticker: false, tickerHover: false, adaptiveHeight: false, adaptiveHeightSpeed: 500, video: false, useCSS: true, preloadImages: 'visible', responsive: true, slideZIndex: 50, wrapperClass: 'bx-wrapper', // TOUCH touchEnabled: true, swipeThreshold: 50, oneToOneTouch: true, preventDefaultSwipeX: true, preventDefaultSwipeY: false, // ACCESSIBILITY ariaLive: true, ariaHidden: true, // KEYBOARD keyboardEnabled: false, // PAGER pager: true, pagerType: 'full', pagerShortSeparator: ' / ', pagerSelector: null, buildPager: null, pagerCustom: null, // CONTROLS controls: true, nextText: 'Next', prevText: 'Prev', nextSelector: null, prevSelector: null, autoControls: false, startText: 'Start', stopText: 'Stop', autoControlsCombine: false, autoControlsSelector: null, // AUTO auto: false, pause: 4000, autoStart: true, autoDirection: 'next', stopAutoOnClick: false, autoHover: false, autoDelay: 0, autoSlideForOnePage: false, // CAROUSEL minSlides: 1, maxSlides: 1, moveSlides: 0, slideWidth: 0, shrinkItems: false, // CALLBACKS onSliderLoad: function() { return true; }, onSlideBefore: function() { return true; }, onSlideAfter: function() { return true; }, onSlideNext: function() { return true; }, onSlidePrev: function() { return true; }, onSliderResize: function() { return true; }, onAutoChange: function() { return true; } //calls when auto slides starts and stops }; $.fn.bxSlider = function(options) { if (this.length === 0) { return this; } // support multiple elements if (this.length > 1) { this.each(function() { $(this).bxSlider(options); }); return this; } // create a namespace to be used throughout the plugin var slider = {}, // set a reference to our slider element el = this, // get the original window dimens (thanks a lot IE) windowWidth = $(window).width(), windowHeight = $(window).height(); // Return if slider is already initialized if ($(el).data('bxSlider')) { return; } /** * =================================================================================== * = PRIVATE FUNCTIONS * =================================================================================== */ /** * Initializes namespace settings to be used throughout plugin */ var init = function() { // Return if slider is already initialized if ($(el).data('bxSlider')) { return; } // merge user-supplied options with the defaults slider.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // parse slideWidth setting slider.settings.slideWidth = parseInt(slider.settings.slideWidth); // store the original children slider.children = el.children(slider.settings.slideSelector); // check if actual number of slides is less than minSlides / maxSlides if (slider.children.length < slider.settings.minSlides) { slider.settings.minSlides = slider.children.length; } if (slider.children.length < slider.settings.maxSlides) { slider.settings.maxSlides = slider.children.length; } // if random start, set the startSlide setting to random number if (slider.settings.randomStart) { slider.settings.startSlide = Math.floor(Math.random() * slider.children.length); } // store active slide information slider.active = { index: slider.settings.startSlide }; // store if the slider is in carousel mode (displaying / moving multiple slides) slider.carousel = slider.settings.minSlides > 1 || slider.settings.maxSlides > 1; // if carousel, force preloadImages = 'all' if (slider.carousel) { slider.settings.preloadImages = 'all'; } // calculate the min / max width thresholds based on min / max number of slides // used to setup and update carousel slides dimensions slider.minThreshold = (slider.settings.minSlides * slider.settings.slideWidth) + ((slider.settings.minSlides - 1) * slider.settings.slideMargin); slider.maxThreshold = (slider.settings.maxSlides * slider.settings.slideWidth) + ((slider.settings.maxSlides - 1) * slider.settings.slideMargin); // store the current state of the slider (if currently animating, working is true) slider.working = false; // initialize the controls object slider.controls = {}; // initialize an auto interval slider.interval = null; // determine which property to use for transitions slider.animProp = slider.settings.mode === 'vertical' ? 'top' : 'left'; // determine if hardware acceleration can be used slider.usingCSS = slider.settings.useCSS && slider.settings.mode !== 'fade' && (function() { // create our test div element var div = document.createElement('div'), // css transition properties props = ['WebkitPerspective', 'MozPerspective', 'OPerspective', 'msPerspective']; // test for each property for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { if (div.style[props[i]] !== undefined) { slider.cssPrefix = props[i].replace('Perspective', '').toLowerCase(); slider.animProp = '-' + slider.cssPrefix + '-transform'; return true; } } return false; }()); // if vertical mode always make maxSlides and minSlides equal if (slider.settings.mode === 'vertical') { slider.settings.maxSlides = slider.settings.minSlides; } // save original style data el.data('origStyle', el.attr('style')); el.children(slider.settings.slideSelector).each(function() { $(this).data('origStyle', $(this).attr('style')); }); // perform all DOM / CSS modifications setup(); }; /** * Performs all DOM and CSS modifications */ var setup = function() { var preloadSelector = slider.children.eq(slider.settings.startSlide); // set the default preload selector (visible) // wrap el in a wrapper el.wrap('
'); // store a namespace reference to .bx-viewport slider.viewport = el.parent(); // add aria-live if the setting is enabled and ticker mode is disabled if (slider.settings.ariaLive && !slider.settings.ticker) { slider.viewport.attr('aria-live', 'polite'); } // add a loading div to display while images are loading slider.loader = $('
'); slider.viewport.prepend(slider.loader); // set el to a massive width, to hold any needed slides // also strip any margin and padding from el el.css({ width: slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? (slider.children.length * 1000 + 215) + '%' : 'auto', position: 'relative' }); // if using CSS, add the easing property if (slider.usingCSS && slider.settings.easing) { el.css('-' + slider.cssPrefix + '-transition-timing-function', slider.settings.easing); // if not using CSS and no easing value was supplied, use the default JS animation easing (swing) } else if (!slider.settings.easing) { slider.settings.easing = 'swing'; } // make modifications to the viewport (.bx-viewport) slider.viewport.css({ width: '100%', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative' }); slider.viewport.parent().css({ maxWidth: getViewportMaxWidth() }); // apply css to all slider children slider.children.css({ // the float attribute is a reserved word in compressors like YUI compressor and need to be quoted #48 'float': slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'none', listStyle: 'none', position: 'relative' }); // apply the calculated width after the float is applied to prevent scrollbar interference slider.children.css('width', getSlideWidth()); // if slideMargin is supplied, add the css if (slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' && slider.settings.slideMargin > 0) { slider.children.css('marginRight', slider.settings.slideMargin); } if (slider.settings.mode === 'vertical' && slider.settings.slideMargin > 0) { slider.children.css('marginBottom', slider.settings.slideMargin); } // if "fade" mode, add positioning and z-index CSS if (slider.settings.mode === 'fade') { slider.children.css({ position: 'absolute', zIndex: 0, display: 'none' }); // prepare the z-index on the showing element slider.children.eq(slider.settings.startSlide).css({zIndex: slider.settings.slideZIndex, display: 'block'}); } // create an element to contain all slider controls (pager, start / stop, etc) slider.controls.el = $('
'); // if captions are requested, add them if (slider.settings.captions) { appendCaptions(); } // check if startSlide is last slide slider.active.last = slider.settings.startSlide === getPagerQty() - 1; // if video is true, set up the fitVids plugin if (slider.settings.video) { el.fitVids(); } //preloadImages if (slider.settings.preloadImages === 'none') { preloadSelector = null; } else if (slider.settings.preloadImages === 'all' || slider.settings.ticker) { preloadSelector = slider.children; } // only check for control addition if not in "ticker" mode if (!slider.settings.ticker) { // if controls are requested, add them if (slider.settings.controls) { appendControls(); } // if auto is true, and auto controls are requested, add them if (slider.settings.auto && slider.settings.autoControls) { appendControlsAuto(); } // if pager is requested, add it if (slider.settings.pager) { appendPager(); } // if any control option is requested, add the controls wrapper if (slider.settings.controls || slider.settings.autoControls || slider.settings.pager) { slider.viewport.after(slider.controls.el); } // if ticker mode, do not allow a pager } else { slider.settings.pager = false; } if (preloadSelector === null) { start(); } else { loadElements(preloadSelector, start); } }; var loadElements = function(selector, callback) { var total = selector.find('img:not([src=""]), iframe').length, count = 0; if (total === 0) { callback(); return; } selector.find('img:not([src=""]), iframe').each(function() { $(this).one('load error', function() { if (++count === total) { callback(); } }).each(function() { if (this.complete || this.src == '') { $(this).trigger('load'); } }); }); }; /** * Start the slider */ var start = function() { // if infinite loop, prepare additional slides if (slider.settings.infiniteLoop && slider.settings.mode !== 'fade' && !slider.settings.ticker) { var slice = slider.settings.mode === 'vertical' ? slider.settings.minSlides : slider.settings.maxSlides, sliceAppend = slider.children.slice(0, slice).clone(true).addClass('bx-clone'), slicePrepend = slider.children.slice(-slice).clone(true).addClass('bx-clone'); if (slider.settings.ariaHidden) { sliceAppend.attr('aria-hidden', true); slicePrepend.attr('aria-hidden', true); } el.append(sliceAppend).prepend(slicePrepend); } // remove the loading DOM element slider.loader.remove(); // set the left / top position of "el" setSlidePosition(); // if "vertical" mode, always use adaptiveHeight to prevent odd behavior if (slider.settings.mode === 'vertical') { slider.settings.adaptiveHeight = true; } // set the viewport height slider.viewport.height(getViewportHeight()); // make sure everything is positioned just right (same as a window resize) el.redrawSlider(); // onSliderLoad callback slider.settings.onSliderLoad.call(el, slider.active.index); // slider has been fully initialized slider.initialized = true; // add the resize call to the window if (slider.settings.responsive) { $(window).on('resize', resizeWindow); } // if auto is true and has more than 1 page, start the show if (slider.settings.auto && slider.settings.autoStart && (getPagerQty() > 1 || slider.settings.autoSlideForOnePage)) { initAuto(); } // if ticker is true, start the ticker if (slider.settings.ticker) { initTicker(); } // if pager is requested, make the appropriate pager link active if (slider.settings.pager) { updatePagerActive(slider.settings.startSlide); } // check for any updates to the controls (like hideControlOnEnd updates) if (slider.settings.controls) { updateDirectionControls(); } // if touchEnabled is true, setup the touch events if (slider.settings.touchEnabled && !slider.settings.ticker) { initTouch(); } // if keyboardEnabled is true, setup the keyboard events if (slider.settings.keyboardEnabled && !slider.settings.ticker) { $(document).keydown(keyPress); } }; /** * Returns the calculated height of the viewport, used to determine either adaptiveHeight or the maxHeight value */ var getViewportHeight = function() { var height = 0; // first determine which children (slides) should be used in our height calculation var children = $(); // if mode is not "vertical" and adaptiveHeight is false, include all children if (slider.settings.mode !== 'vertical' && !slider.settings.adaptiveHeight) { children = slider.children; } else { // if not carousel, return the single active child if (!slider.carousel) { children = slider.children.eq(slider.active.index); // if carousel, return a slice of children } else { // get the individual slide index var currentIndex = slider.settings.moveSlides === 1 ? slider.active.index : slider.active.index * getMoveBy(); // add the current slide to the children children = slider.children.eq(currentIndex); // cycle through the remaining "showing" slides for (i = 1; i <= slider.settings.maxSlides - 1; i++) { // if looped back to the start if (currentIndex + i >= slider.children.length) { children = children.add(slider.children.eq(i - 1)); } else { children = children.add(slider.children.eq(currentIndex + i)); } } } } // if "vertical" mode, calculate the sum of the heights of the children if (slider.settings.mode === 'vertical') { children.each(function(index) { height += $(this).outerHeight(); }); // add user-supplied margins if (slider.settings.slideMargin > 0) { height += slider.settings.slideMargin * (slider.settings.minSlides - 1); } // if not "vertical" mode, calculate the max height of the children } else { height = Math.max.apply(Math, children.map(function() { return $(this).outerHeight(false); }).get()); } if (slider.viewport.css('box-sizing') === 'border-box') { height += parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('padding-top')) + parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('padding-bottom')) + parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('border-top-width')) + parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('border-bottom-width')); } else if (slider.viewport.css('box-sizing') === 'padding-box') { height += parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('padding-top')) + parseFloat(slider.viewport.css('padding-bottom')); } return height; }; /** * Returns the calculated width to be used for the outer wrapper / viewport */ var getViewportMaxWidth = function() { var width = '100%'; if (slider.settings.slideWidth > 0) { if (slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal') { width = (slider.settings.maxSlides * slider.settings.slideWidth) + ((slider.settings.maxSlides - 1) * slider.settings.slideMargin); } else { width = slider.settings.slideWidth; } } return width; }; /** * Returns the calculated width to be applied to each slide */ var getSlideWidth = function() { var newElWidth = slider.settings.slideWidth, // start with any user-supplied slide width wrapWidth = slider.viewport.width(); // get the current viewport width // if slide width was not supplied, or is larger than the viewport use the viewport width if (slider.settings.slideWidth === 0 || (slider.settings.slideWidth > wrapWidth && !slider.carousel) || slider.settings.mode === 'vertical') { newElWidth = wrapWidth; // if carousel, use the thresholds to determine the width } else if (slider.settings.maxSlides > 1 && slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal') { if (wrapWidth > slider.maxThreshold) { return newElWidth; } else if (wrapWidth < slider.minThreshold) { newElWidth = (wrapWidth - (slider.settings.slideMargin * (slider.settings.minSlides - 1))) / slider.settings.minSlides; } else if (slider.settings.shrinkItems) { newElWidth = Math.floor((wrapWidth + slider.settings.slideMargin) / (Math.ceil((wrapWidth + slider.settings.slideMargin) / (newElWidth + slider.settings.slideMargin))) - slider.settings.slideMargin); } } return newElWidth; }; /** * Returns the number of slides currently visible in the viewport (includes partially visible slides) */ var getNumberSlidesShowing = function() { var slidesShowing = 1, childWidth = null; if (slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' && slider.settings.slideWidth > 0) { // if viewport is smaller than minThreshold, return minSlides if (slider.viewport.width() < slider.minThreshold) { slidesShowing = slider.settings.minSlides; // if viewport is larger than maxThreshold, return maxSlides } else if (slider.viewport.width() > slider.maxThreshold) { slidesShowing = slider.settings.maxSlides; // if viewport is between min / max thresholds, divide viewport width by first child width } else { childWidth = slider.children.first().width() + slider.settings.slideMargin; slidesShowing = Math.floor((slider.viewport.width() + slider.settings.slideMargin) / childWidth) || 1; } // if "vertical" mode, slides showing will always be minSlides } else if (slider.settings.mode === 'vertical') { slidesShowing = slider.settings.minSlides; } return slidesShowing; }; /** * Returns the number of pages (one full viewport of slides is one "page") */ var getPagerQty = function() { var pagerQty = 0, breakPoint = 0, counter = 0; // if moveSlides is specified by the user if (slider.settings.moveSlides > 0) { if (slider.settings.infiniteLoop) { pagerQty = Math.ceil(slider.children.length / getMoveBy()); } else { // when breakpoint goes above children length, counter is the number of pages while (breakPoint < slider.children.length) { ++pagerQty; breakPoint = counter + getNumberSlidesShowing(); counter += slider.settings.moveSlides <= getNumberSlidesShowing() ? slider.settings.moveSlides : getNumberSlidesShowing(); } return counter; } // if moveSlides is 0 (auto) divide children length by sides showing, then round up } else { pagerQty = Math.ceil(slider.children.length / getNumberSlidesShowing()); } return pagerQty; }; /** * Returns the number of individual slides by which to shift the slider */ var getMoveBy = function() { // if moveSlides was set by the user and moveSlides is less than number of slides showing if (slider.settings.moveSlides > 0 && slider.settings.moveSlides <= getNumberSlidesShowing()) { return slider.settings.moveSlides; } // if moveSlides is 0 (auto) return getNumberSlidesShowing(); }; /** * Sets the slider's (el) left or top position */ var setSlidePosition = function() { var position, lastChild, lastShowingIndex; // if last slide, not infinite loop, and number of children is larger than specified maxSlides if (slider.children.length > slider.settings.maxSlides && slider.active.last && !slider.settings.infiniteLoop) { if (slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal') { // get the last child's position lastChild = slider.children.last(); position = lastChild.position(); // set the left position setPositionProperty(-(position.left - (slider.viewport.width() - lastChild.outerWidth())), 'reset', 0); } else if (slider.settings.mode === 'vertical') { // get the last showing index's position lastShowingIndex = slider.children.length - slider.settings.minSlides; position = slider.children.eq(lastShowingIndex).position(); // set the top position setPositionProperty(-position.top, 'reset', 0); } // if not last slide } else { // get the position of the first showing slide position = slider.children.eq(slider.active.index * getMoveBy()).position(); // check for last slide if (slider.active.index === getPagerQty() - 1) { slider.active.last = true; } // set the respective position if (position !== undefined) { if (slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal') { setPositionProperty(-position.left, 'reset', 0); } else if (slider.settings.mode === 'vertical') { setPositionProperty(-position.top, 'reset', 0); } } } }; /** * Sets the el's animating property position (which in turn will sometimes animate el). * If using CSS, sets the transform property. If not using CSS, sets the top / left property. * * @param value (int) * - the animating property's value * * @param type (string) 'slide', 'reset', 'ticker' * - the type of instance for which the function is being * * @param duration (int) * - the amount of time (in ms) the transition should occupy * * @param params (array) optional * - an optional parameter containing any variables that need to be passed in */ var setPositionProperty = function(value, type, duration, params) { var animateObj, propValue; // use CSS transform if (slider.usingCSS) { // determine the translate3d value propValue = slider.settings.mode === 'vertical' ? 'translate3d(0, ' + value + 'px, 0)' : 'translate3d(' + value + 'px, 0, 0)'; // add the CSS transition-duration el.css('-' + slider.cssPrefix + '-transition-duration', duration / 1000 + 's'); if (type === 'slide') { // set the property value el.css(slider.animProp, propValue); if (duration !== 0) { // add a callback method - executes when CSS transition completes el.on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function(e) { //make sure it's the correct one if (!$(e.target).is(el)) { return; } // remove the callback el.off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd'); updateAfterSlideTransition(); }); } else { //duration = 0 updateAfterSlideTransition(); } } else if (type === 'reset') { el.css(slider.animProp, propValue); } else if (type === 'ticker') { // make the transition use 'linear' el.css('-' + slider.cssPrefix + '-transition-timing-function', 'linear'); el.css(slider.animProp, propValue); if (duration !== 0) { el.on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function(e) { //make sure it's the correct one if (!$(e.target).is(el)) { return; } // remove the callback el.off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd'); // reset the position setPositionProperty(params.resetValue, 'reset', 0); // start the loop again tickerLoop(); }); } else { //duration = 0 setPositionProperty(params.resetValue, 'reset', 0); tickerLoop(); } } // use JS animate } else { animateObj = {}; animateObj[slider.animProp] = value; if (type === 'slide') { el.animate(animateObj, duration, slider.settings.easing, function() { updateAfterSlideTransition(); }); } else if (type === 'reset') { el.css(slider.animProp, value); } else if (type === 'ticker') { el.animate(animateObj, duration, 'linear', function() { setPositionProperty(params.resetValue, 'reset', 0); // run the recursive loop after animation tickerLoop(); }); } } }; /** * Populates the pager with proper amount of pages */ var populatePager = function() { var pagerHtml = '', linkContent = '', pagerQty = getPagerQty(); // loop through each pager item for (var i = 0; i < pagerQty; i++) { linkContent = ''; // if a buildPager function is supplied, use it to get pager link value, else use index + 1 if (slider.settings.buildPager && $.isFunction(slider.settings.buildPager) || slider.settings.pagerCustom) { linkContent = slider.settings.buildPager(i); slider.pagerEl.addClass('bx-custom-pager'); } else { linkContent = i + 1; slider.pagerEl.addClass('bx-default-pager'); } // var linkContent = slider.settings.buildPager && $.isFunction(slider.settings.buildPager) ? slider.settings.buildPager(i) : i + 1; // add the markup to the string pagerHtml += ''; } // populate the pager element with pager links slider.pagerEl.html(pagerHtml); }; /** * Appends the pager to the controls element */ var appendPager = function() { if (!slider.settings.pagerCustom) { // create the pager DOM element slider.pagerEl = $('
'); // if a pager selector was supplied, populate it with the pager if (slider.settings.pagerSelector) { $(slider.settings.pagerSelector).html(slider.pagerEl); // if no pager selector was supplied, add it after the wrapper } else { slider.controls.el.addClass('bx-has-pager').append(slider.pagerEl); } // populate the pager populatePager(); } else { slider.pagerEl = $(slider.settings.pagerCustom); } // assign the pager click binding slider.pagerEl.on('click touchend', 'a', clickPagerBind); }; /** * Appends prev / next controls to the controls element */ var appendControls = function() { slider.controls.next = $('' + slider.settings.nextText + ''); slider.controls.prev = $('' + slider.settings.prevText + ''); // add click actions to the controls slider.controls.next.on('click touchend', clickNextBind); slider.controls.prev.on('click touchend', clickPrevBind); // if nextSelector was supplied, populate it if (slider.settings.nextSelector) { $(slider.settings.nextSelector).append(slider.controls.next); } // if prevSelector was supplied, populate it if (slider.settings.prevSelector) { $(slider.settings.prevSelector).append(slider.controls.prev); } // if no custom selectors were supplied if (!slider.settings.nextSelector && !slider.settings.prevSelector) { // add the controls to the DOM slider.controls.directionEl = $('
'); // add the control elements to the directionEl slider.controls.directionEl.append(slider.controls.prev).append(slider.controls.next); // slider.viewport.append(slider.controls.directionEl); slider.controls.el.addClass('bx-has-controls-direction').append(slider.controls.directionEl); } }; /** * Appends start / stop auto controls to the controls element */ var appendControlsAuto = function() { slider.controls.start = $(''); slider.controls.stop = $(''); // add the controls to the DOM slider.controls.autoEl = $('
'); // on click actions to the controls slider.controls.autoEl.on('click', '.bx-start', clickStartBind); slider.controls.autoEl.on('click', '.bx-stop', clickStopBind); // if autoControlsCombine, insert only the "start" control if (slider.settings.autoControlsCombine) { slider.controls.autoEl.append(slider.controls.start); // if autoControlsCombine is false, insert both controls } else { slider.controls.autoEl.append(slider.controls.start).append(slider.controls.stop); } // if auto controls selector was supplied, populate it with the controls if (slider.settings.autoControlsSelector) { $(slider.settings.autoControlsSelector).html(slider.controls.autoEl); // if auto controls selector was not supplied, add it after the wrapper } else { slider.controls.el.addClass('bx-has-controls-auto').append(slider.controls.autoEl); } // update the auto controls updateAutoControls(slider.settings.autoStart ? 'stop' : 'start'); }; /** * Appends image captions to the DOM */ var appendCaptions = function() { // cycle through each child slider.children.each(function(index) { // get the image title attribute var title = $(this).find('img:first').attr('title'); // append the caption if (title !== undefined && ('' + title).length) { $(this).append('
' + title + '
'); } }); }; /** * Click next binding * * @param e (event) * - DOM event object */ var clickNextBind = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (slider.controls.el.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } // if auto show is running, stop it if (slider.settings.auto && slider.settings.stopAutoOnClick) { el.stopAuto(); } el.goToNextSlide(); }; /** * Click prev binding * * @param e (event) * - DOM event object */ var clickPrevBind = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (slider.controls.el.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } // if auto show is running, stop it if (slider.settings.auto && slider.settings.stopAutoOnClick) { el.stopAuto(); } el.goToPrevSlide(); }; /** * Click start binding * * @param e (event) * - DOM event object */ var clickStartBind = function(e) { el.startAuto(); e.preventDefault(); }; /** * Click stop binding * * @param e (event) * - DOM event object */ var clickStopBind = function(e) { el.stopAuto(); e.preventDefault(); }; /** * Click pager binding * * @param e (event) * - DOM event object */ var clickPagerBind = function(e) { var pagerLink, pagerIndex; e.preventDefault(); if (slider.controls.el.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } // if auto show is running, stop it if (slider.settings.auto && slider.settings.stopAutoOnClick) { el.stopAuto(); } pagerLink = $(e.currentTarget); if (pagerLink.attr('data-slide-index') !== undefined) { pagerIndex = parseInt(pagerLink.attr('data-slide-index')); // if clicked pager link is not active, continue with the goToSlide call if (pagerIndex !== slider.active.index) { el.goToSlide(pagerIndex); } } }; /** * Updates the pager links with an active class * * @param slideIndex (int) * - index of slide to make active */ var updatePagerActive = function(slideIndex) { // if "short" pager type var len = slider.children.length; // nb of children if (slider.settings.pagerType === 'short') { if (slider.settings.maxSlides > 1) { len = Math.ceil(slider.children.length / slider.settings.maxSlides); } slider.pagerEl.html((slideIndex + 1) + slider.settings.pagerShortSeparator + len); return; } // remove all pager active classes slider.pagerEl.find('a').removeClass('active'); // apply the active class for all pagers slider.pagerEl.each(function(i, el) { $(el).find('a').eq(slideIndex).addClass('active'); }); }; /** * Performs needed actions after a slide transition */ var updateAfterSlideTransition = function() { // if infinite loop is true if (slider.settings.infiniteLoop) { var position = ''; // first slide if (slider.active.index === 0) { // set the new position position = slider.children.eq(0).position(); // carousel, last slide } else if (slider.active.index === getPagerQty() - 1 && slider.carousel) { position = slider.children.eq((getPagerQty() - 1) * getMoveBy()).position(); // last slide } else if (slider.active.index === slider.children.length - 1) { position = slider.children.eq(slider.children.length - 1).position(); } if (position) { if (slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal') { setPositionProperty(-position.left, 'reset', 0); } else if (slider.settings.mode === 'vertical') { setPositionProperty(-position.top, 'reset', 0); } } } // declare that the transition is complete slider.working = false; // onSlideAfter callback slider.settings.onSlideAfter.call(el, slider.children.eq(slider.active.index), slider.oldIndex, slider.active.index); }; /** * Updates the auto controls state (either active, or combined switch) * * @param state (string) "start", "stop" * - the new state of the auto show */ var updateAutoControls = function(state) { // if autoControlsCombine is true, replace the current control with the new state if (slider.settings.autoControlsCombine) { slider.controls.autoEl.html(slider.controls[state]); // if autoControlsCombine is false, apply the "active" class to the appropriate control } else { slider.controls.autoEl.find('a').removeClass('active'); slider.controls.autoEl.find('a:not(.bx-' + state + ')').addClass('active'); } }; /** * Updates the direction controls (checks if either should be hidden) */ var updateDirectionControls = function() { if (getPagerQty() === 1) { slider.controls.prev.addClass('disabled'); slider.controls.next.addClass('disabled'); } else if (!slider.settings.infiniteLoop && slider.settings.hideControlOnEnd) { // if first slide if (slider.active.index === 0) { slider.controls.prev.addClass('disabled'); slider.controls.next.removeClass('disabled'); // if last slide } else if (slider.active.index === getPagerQty() - 1) { slider.controls.next.addClass('disabled'); slider.controls.prev.removeClass('disabled'); // if any slide in the middle } else { slider.controls.prev.removeClass('disabled'); slider.controls.next.removeClass('disabled'); } } }; /* auto start and stop functions */ var windowFocusHandler = function() { el.startAuto(); }; var windowBlurHandler = function() { el.stopAuto(); }; /** * Initializes the auto process */ var initAuto = function() { // if autoDelay was supplied, launch the auto show using a setTimeout() call if (slider.settings.autoDelay > 0) { setTimeout(el.startAuto, slider.settings.autoDelay); // if autoDelay was not supplied, start the auto show normally } else { el.startAuto(); //add focus and blur events to ensure its running if timeout gets paused $(window).focus(windowFocusHandler).blur(windowBlurHandler); } // if autoHover is requested if (slider.settings.autoHover) { // on el hover el.hover(function() { // if the auto show is currently playing (has an active interval) if (slider.interval) { // stop the auto show and pass true argument which will prevent control update el.stopAuto(true); // create a new autoPaused value which will be used by the relative "mouseout" event slider.autoPaused = true; } }, function() { // if the autoPaused value was created be the prior "mouseover" event if (slider.autoPaused) { // start the auto show and pass true argument which will prevent control update el.startAuto(true); // reset the autoPaused value slider.autoPaused = null; } }); } }; /** * Initializes the ticker process */ var initTicker = function() { var startPosition = 0, position, transform, value, idx, ratio, property, newSpeed, totalDimens; // if autoDirection is "next", append a clone of the entire slider if (slider.settings.autoDirection === 'next') { el.append(slider.children.clone().addClass('bx-clone')); // if autoDirection is "prev", prepend a clone of the entire slider, and set the left position } else { el.prepend(slider.children.clone().addClass('bx-clone')); position = slider.children.first().position(); startPosition = slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? -position.left : -position.top; } setPositionProperty(startPosition, 'reset', 0); // do not allow controls in ticker mode slider.settings.pager = false; slider.settings.controls = false; slider.settings.autoControls = false; // if autoHover is requested if (slider.settings.tickerHover) { if (slider.usingCSS) { idx = slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? 4 : 5; slider.viewport.hover(function() { transform = el.css('-' + slider.cssPrefix + '-transform'); value = parseFloat(transform.split(',')[idx]); setPositionProperty(value, 'reset', 0); }, function() { totalDimens = 0; slider.children.each(function(index) { totalDimens += slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? $(this).outerWidth(true) : $(this).outerHeight(true); }); // calculate the speed ratio (used to determine the new speed to finish the paused animation) ratio = slider.settings.speed / totalDimens; // determine which property to use property = slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'top'; // calculate the new speed newSpeed = ratio * (totalDimens - (Math.abs(parseInt(value)))); tickerLoop(newSpeed); }); } else { // on el hover slider.viewport.hover(function() { el.stop(); }, function() { // calculate the total width of children (used to calculate the speed ratio) totalDimens = 0; slider.children.each(function(index) { totalDimens += slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? $(this).outerWidth(true) : $(this).outerHeight(true); }); // calculate the speed ratio (used to determine the new speed to finish the paused animation) ratio = slider.settings.speed / totalDimens; // determine which property to use property = slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'top'; // calculate the new speed newSpeed = ratio * (totalDimens - (Math.abs(parseInt(el.css(property))))); tickerLoop(newSpeed); }); } } // start the ticker loop tickerLoop(); }; /** * Runs a continuous loop, news ticker-style */ var tickerLoop = function(resumeSpeed) { var speed = resumeSpeed ? resumeSpeed : slider.settings.speed, position = {left: 0, top: 0}, reset = {left: 0, top: 0}, animateProperty, resetValue, params; // if "next" animate left position to last child, then reset left to 0 if (slider.settings.autoDirection === 'next') { position = el.find('.bx-clone').first().position(); // if "prev" animate left position to 0, then reset left to first non-clone child } else { reset = slider.children.first().position(); } animateProperty = slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? -position.left : -position.top; resetValue = slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? -reset.left : -reset.top; params = {resetValue: resetValue}; setPositionProperty(animateProperty, 'ticker', speed, params); }; /** * Check if el is on screen */ var isOnScreen = function(el) { var win = $(window), viewport = { top: win.scrollTop(), left: win.scrollLeft() }, bounds = el.offset(); viewport.right = viewport.left + win.width(); viewport.bottom = viewport.top + win.height(); bounds.right = bounds.left + el.outerWidth(); bounds.bottom = bounds.top + el.outerHeight(); return (!(viewport.right < bounds.left || viewport.left > bounds.right || viewport.bottom < bounds.top || viewport.top > bounds.bottom)); }; /** * Initializes keyboard events */ var keyPress = function(e) { var activeElementTag = document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase(), tagFilters = 'input|textarea', p = new RegExp(activeElementTag,['i']), result = p.exec(tagFilters); if (result == null && isOnScreen(el)) { if (e.keyCode === 39) { clickNextBind(e); return false; } else if (e.keyCode === 37) { clickPrevBind(e); return false; } } }; /** * Initializes touch events */ var initTouch = function() { // initialize object to contain all touch values slider.touch = { start: {x: 0, y: 0}, end: {x: 0, y: 0} }; slider.viewport.on('touchstart MSPointerDown pointerdown', onTouchStart); //for browsers that have implemented pointer events and fire a click after //every pointerup regardless of whether pointerup is on same screen location as pointerdown or not slider.viewport.on('click', '.bxslider a', function(e) { if (slider.viewport.hasClass('click-disabled')) { e.preventDefault(); slider.viewport.removeClass('click-disabled'); } }); }; /** * Event handler for "touchstart" * * @param e (event) * - DOM event object */ var onTouchStart = function(e) { // watch only for left mouse, touch contact and pen contact // touchstart event object doesn`t have button property if (e.type !== 'touchstart' && e.button !== 0) { return; } e.preventDefault(); //disable slider controls while user is interacting with slides to avoid slider freeze that happens on touch devices when a slide swipe happens immediately after interacting with slider controls slider.controls.el.addClass('disabled'); if (slider.working) { slider.controls.el.removeClass('disabled'); } else { // record the original position when touch starts slider.touch.originalPos = el.position(); var orig = e.originalEvent, touchPoints = (typeof orig.changedTouches !== 'undefined') ? orig.changedTouches : [orig]; var chromePointerEvents = typeof PointerEvent === 'function'; if (chromePointerEvents) { if (orig.pointerId === undefined) { return; } } // record the starting touch x, y coordinates slider.touch.start.x = touchPoints[0].pageX; slider.touch.start.y = touchPoints[0].pageY; if (slider.viewport.get(0).setPointerCapture) { slider.pointerId = orig.pointerId; slider.viewport.get(0).setPointerCapture(slider.pointerId); } // store original event data for click fixation slider.originalClickTarget = orig.originalTarget || orig.target; slider.originalClickButton = orig.button; slider.originalClickButtons = orig.buttons; slider.originalEventType = orig.type; // at this moment we don`t know what it is click or swipe slider.hasMove = false; // on a "touchmove" event to the viewport slider.viewport.on('touchmove MSPointerMove pointermove', onTouchMove); // on a "touchend" event to the viewport slider.viewport.on('touchend MSPointerUp pointerup', onTouchEnd); slider.viewport.on('MSPointerCancel pointercancel', onPointerCancel); } }; /** * Cancel Pointer for Windows Phone * * @param e (event) * - DOM event object */ var onPointerCancel = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); /* onPointerCancel handler is needed to deal with situations when a touchend doesn't fire after a touchstart (this happens on windows phones only) */ setPositionProperty(slider.touch.originalPos.left, 'reset', 0); //remove handlers slider.controls.el.removeClass('disabled'); slider.viewport.off('MSPointerCancel pointercancel', onPointerCancel); slider.viewport.off('touchmove MSPointerMove pointermove', onTouchMove); slider.viewport.off('touchend MSPointerUp pointerup', onTouchEnd); if (slider.viewport.get(0).releasePointerCapture) { slider.viewport.get(0).releasePointerCapture(slider.pointerId); } }; /** * Event handler for "touchmove" * * @param e (event) * - DOM event object */ var onTouchMove = function(e) { var orig = e.originalEvent, touchPoints = (typeof orig.changedTouches !== 'undefined') ? orig.changedTouches : [orig], // if scrolling on y axis, do not prevent default xMovement = Math.abs(touchPoints[0].pageX - slider.touch.start.x), yMovement = Math.abs(touchPoints[0].pageY - slider.touch.start.y), value = 0, change = 0; // this is swipe slider.hasMove = true; // x axis swipe if ((xMovement * 3) > yMovement && slider.settings.preventDefaultSwipeX) { e.preventDefault(); // y axis swipe } else if ((yMovement * 3) > xMovement && slider.settings.preventDefaultSwipeY) { e.preventDefault(); } if (e.type !== 'touchmove') { e.preventDefault(); } if (slider.settings.mode !== 'fade' && slider.settings.oneToOneTouch) { // if horizontal, drag along x axis if (slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal') { change = touchPoints[0].pageX - slider.touch.start.x; value = slider.touch.originalPos.left + change; // if vertical, drag along y axis } else { change = touchPoints[0].pageY - slider.touch.start.y; value = slider.touch.originalPos.top + change; } setPositionProperty(value, 'reset', 0); } }; /** * Event handler for "touchend" * * @param e (event) * - DOM event object */ var onTouchEnd = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); slider.viewport.off('touchmove MSPointerMove pointermove', onTouchMove); //enable slider controls as soon as user stops interacing with slides slider.controls.el.removeClass('disabled'); var orig = e.originalEvent, touchPoints = (typeof orig.changedTouches !== 'undefined') ? orig.changedTouches : [orig], value = 0, distance = 0; // record end x, y positions slider.touch.end.x = touchPoints[0].pageX; slider.touch.end.y = touchPoints[0].pageY; // if fade mode, check if absolute x distance clears the threshold if (slider.settings.mode === 'fade') { distance = Math.abs(slider.touch.start.x - slider.touch.end.x); if (distance >= slider.settings.swipeThreshold) { if (slider.touch.start.x > slider.touch.end.x) { el.goToNextSlide(); } else { el.goToPrevSlide(); } el.stopAuto(); } // not fade mode } else { // calculate distance and el's animate property if (slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal') { distance = slider.touch.end.x - slider.touch.start.x; value = slider.touch.originalPos.left; } else { distance = slider.touch.end.y - slider.touch.start.y; value = slider.touch.originalPos.top; } // if not infinite loop and first / last slide, do not attempt a slide transition if (!slider.settings.infiniteLoop && ((slider.active.index === 0 && distance > 0) || (slider.active.last && distance < 0))) { setPositionProperty(value, 'reset', 200); } else { // check if distance clears threshold if (Math.abs(distance) >= slider.settings.swipeThreshold) { if (distance < 0) { el.goToNextSlide(); } else { el.goToPrevSlide(); } el.stopAuto(); } else { // el.animate(property, 200); setPositionProperty(value, 'reset', 200); } } } slider.viewport.off('touchend MSPointerUp pointerup', onTouchEnd); if (slider.viewport.get(0).releasePointerCapture) { slider.viewport.get(0).releasePointerCapture(slider.pointerId); } // if slider had swipe with left mouse, touch contact and pen contact if (slider.hasMove === false && (slider.originalClickButton === 0 || slider.originalEventType === 'touchstart')) { // trigger click event (fix for Firefox59 and PointerEvent standard compatibility) $(slider.originalClickTarget).trigger({ type: 'click', button: slider.originalClickButton, buttons: slider.originalClickButtons }); } }; /** * Window resize event callback */ var resizeWindow = function(e) { // don't do anything if slider isn't initialized. if (!slider.initialized) { return; } // Delay if slider working. if (slider.working) { window.setTimeout(resizeWindow, 10); } else { // get the new window dimens (again, thank you IE) var windowWidthNew = $(window).width(), windowHeightNew = $(window).height(); // make sure that it is a true window resize // *we must check this because our dinosaur friend IE fires a window resize event when certain DOM elements // are resized. Can you just die already?* if (windowWidth !== windowWidthNew || windowHeight !== windowHeightNew) { // set the new window dimens windowWidth = windowWidthNew; windowHeight = windowHeightNew; // update all dynamic elements el.redrawSlider(); // Call user resize handler slider.settings.onSliderResize.call(el, slider.active.index); } } }; /** * Adds an aria-hidden=true attribute to each element * * @param startVisibleIndex (int) * - the first visible element's index */ var applyAriaHiddenAttributes = function(startVisibleIndex) { var numberOfSlidesShowing = getNumberSlidesShowing(); // only apply attributes if the setting is enabled and not in ticker mode if (slider.settings.ariaHidden && !slider.settings.ticker) { // add aria-hidden=true to all elements slider.children.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); // get the visible elements and change to aria-hidden=false slider.children.slice(startVisibleIndex, startVisibleIndex + numberOfSlidesShowing).attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } }; /** * Returns index according to present page range * * @param slideOndex (int) * - the desired slide index */ var setSlideIndex = function(slideIndex) { if (slideIndex < 0) { if (slider.settings.infiniteLoop) { return getPagerQty() - 1; }else { //we don't go to undefined slides return slider.active.index; } // if slideIndex is greater than children length, set active index to 0 (this happens during infinite loop) } else if (slideIndex >= getPagerQty()) { if (slider.settings.infiniteLoop) { return 0; } else { //we don't move to undefined pages return slider.active.index; } // set active index to requested slide } else { return slideIndex; } }; /** * =================================================================================== * = PUBLIC FUNCTIONS * =================================================================================== */ /** * Performs slide transition to the specified slide * * @param slideIndex (int) * - the destination slide's index (zero-based) * * @param direction (string) * - INTERNAL USE ONLY - the direction of travel ("prev" / "next") */ el.goToSlide = function(slideIndex, direction) { // onSlideBefore, onSlideNext, onSlidePrev callbacks // Allow transition canceling based on returned value var performTransition = true, moveBy = 0, position = {left: 0, top: 0}, lastChild = null, lastShowingIndex, eq, value, requestEl; // store the old index slider.oldIndex = slider.active.index; //set new index slider.active.index = setSlideIndex(slideIndex); // if plugin is currently in motion, ignore request if (slider.working || slider.active.index === slider.oldIndex) { return; } // declare that plugin is in motion slider.working = true; performTransition = slider.settings.onSlideBefore.call(el, slider.children.eq(slider.active.index), slider.oldIndex, slider.active.index); // If transitions canceled, reset and return if (typeof (performTransition) !== 'undefined' && !performTransition) { slider.active.index = slider.oldIndex; // restore old index slider.working = false; // is not in motion return; } if (direction === 'next') { // Prevent canceling in future functions or lack there-of from negating previous commands to cancel if (!slider.settings.onSlideNext.call(el, slider.children.eq(slider.active.index), slider.oldIndex, slider.active.index)) { performTransition = false; } } else if (direction === 'prev') { // Prevent canceling in future functions or lack there-of from negating previous commands to cancel if (!slider.settings.onSlidePrev.call(el, slider.children.eq(slider.active.index), slider.oldIndex, slider.active.index)) { performTransition = false; } } // check if last slide slider.active.last = slider.active.index >= getPagerQty() - 1; // update the pager with active class if (slider.settings.pager || slider.settings.pagerCustom) { updatePagerActive(slider.active.index); } // // check for direction control update if (slider.settings.controls) { updateDirectionControls(); } // if slider is set to mode: "fade" if (slider.settings.mode === 'fade') { // if adaptiveHeight is true and next height is different from current height, animate to the new height if (slider.settings.adaptiveHeight && slider.viewport.height() !== getViewportHeight()) { slider.viewport.animate({height: getViewportHeight()}, slider.settings.adaptiveHeightSpeed); } // fade out the visible child and reset its z-index value slider.children.filter(':visible').fadeOut(slider.settings.speed).css({zIndex: 0}); // fade in the newly requested slide slider.children.eq(slider.active.index).css('zIndex', slider.settings.slideZIndex + 1).fadeIn(slider.settings.speed, function() { $(this).css('zIndex', slider.settings.slideZIndex); updateAfterSlideTransition(); }); // slider mode is not "fade" } else { // if adaptiveHeight is true and next height is different from current height, animate to the new height if (slider.settings.adaptiveHeight && slider.viewport.height() !== getViewportHeight()) { slider.viewport.animate({height: getViewportHeight()}, slider.settings.adaptiveHeightSpeed); } // if carousel and not infinite loop if (!slider.settings.infiniteLoop && slider.carousel && slider.active.last) { if (slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal') { // get the last child position lastChild = slider.children.eq(slider.children.length - 1); position = lastChild.position(); // calculate the position of the last slide moveBy = slider.viewport.width() - lastChild.outerWidth(); } else { // get last showing index position lastShowingIndex = slider.children.length - slider.settings.minSlides; position = slider.children.eq(lastShowingIndex).position(); } // horizontal carousel, going previous while on first slide (infiniteLoop mode) } else if (slider.carousel && slider.active.last && direction === 'prev') { // get the last child position eq = slider.settings.moveSlides === 1 ? slider.settings.maxSlides - getMoveBy() : ((getPagerQty() - 1) * getMoveBy()) - (slider.children.length - slider.settings.maxSlides); lastChild = el.children('.bx-clone').eq(eq); position = lastChild.position(); // if infinite loop and "Next" is clicked on the last slide } else if (direction === 'next' && slider.active.index === 0) { // get the last clone position position = el.find('> .bx-clone').eq(slider.settings.maxSlides).position(); slider.active.last = false; // normal non-zero requests } else if (slideIndex >= 0) { //parseInt is applied to allow floats for slides/page requestEl = slideIndex * parseInt(getMoveBy()); position = slider.children.eq(requestEl).position(); } /* If the position doesn't exist * (e.g. if you destroy the slider on a next click), * it doesn't throw an error. */ if (typeof (position) !== 'undefined') { value = slider.settings.mode === 'horizontal' ? -(position.left - moveBy) : -position.top; // plugin values to be animated setPositionProperty(value, 'slide', slider.settings.speed); } slider.working = false; } if (slider.settings.ariaHidden) { applyAriaHiddenAttributes(slider.active.index * getMoveBy()); } }; /** * Transitions to the next slide in the show */ el.goToNextSlide = function() { // if infiniteLoop is false and last page is showing, disregard call if (!slider.settings.infiniteLoop && slider.active.last) { return; } if (slider.working === true){ return ;} var pagerIndex = parseInt(slider.active.index) + 1; el.goToSlide(pagerIndex, 'next'); }; /** * Transitions to the prev slide in the show */ el.goToPrevSlide = function() { // if infiniteLoop is false and last page is showing, disregard call if (!slider.settings.infiniteLoop && slider.active.index === 0) { return; } if (slider.working === true){ return ;} var pagerIndex = parseInt(slider.active.index) - 1; el.goToSlide(pagerIndex, 'prev'); }; /** * Starts the auto show * * @param preventControlUpdate (boolean) * - if true, auto controls state will not be updated */ el.startAuto = function(preventControlUpdate) { // if an interval already exists, disregard call if (slider.interval) { return; } // create an interval slider.interval = setInterval(function() { if (slider.settings.autoDirection === 'next') { el.goToNextSlide(); } else { el.goToPrevSlide(); } }, slider.settings.pause); //allback for when the auto rotate status changes slider.settings.onAutoChange.call(el, true); // if auto controls are displayed and preventControlUpdate is not true if (slider.settings.autoControls && preventControlUpdate !== true) { updateAutoControls('stop'); } }; /** * Stops the auto show * * @param preventControlUpdate (boolean) * - if true, auto controls state will not be updated */ el.stopAuto = function(preventControlUpdate) { // if slider is auto paused, just clear that state if (slider.autoPaused) slider.autoPaused = false; // if no interval exists, disregard call if (!slider.interval) { return; } // clear the interval clearInterval(slider.interval); slider.interval = null; //allback for when the auto rotate status changes slider.settings.onAutoChange.call(el, false); // if auto controls are displayed and preventControlUpdate is not true if (slider.settings.autoControls && preventControlUpdate !== true) { updateAutoControls('start'); } }; /** * Returns current slide index (zero-based) */ el.getCurrentSlide = function() { return slider.active.index; }; /** * Returns current slide element */ el.getCurrentSlideElement = function() { return slider.children.eq(slider.active.index); }; /** * Returns a slide element * @param index (int) * - The index (zero-based) of the element you want returned. */ el.getSlideElement = function(index) { return slider.children.eq(index); }; /** * Returns number of slides in show */ el.getSlideCount = function() { return slider.children.length; }; /** * Return slider.working variable */ el.isWorking = function() { return slider.working; }; /** * Update all dynamic slider elements */ el.redrawSlider = function() { // resize all children in ratio to new screen size slider.children.add(el.find('.bx-clone')).outerWidth(getSlideWidth()); // adjust the height slider.viewport.css('height', getViewportHeight()); // update the slide position if (!slider.settings.ticker) { setSlidePosition(); } // if active.last was true before the screen resize, we want // to keep it last no matter what screen size we end on if (slider.active.last) { slider.active.index = getPagerQty() - 1; } // if the active index (page) no longer exists due to the resize, simply set the index as last if (slider.active.index >= getPagerQty()) { slider.active.last = true; } // if a pager is being displayed and a custom pager is not being used, update it if (slider.settings.pager && !slider.settings.pagerCustom) { populatePager(); updatePagerActive(slider.active.index); } if (slider.settings.ariaHidden) { applyAriaHiddenAttributes(slider.active.index * getMoveBy()); } }; /** * Destroy the current instance of the slider (revert everything back to original state) */ el.destroySlider = function() { // don't do anything if slider has already been destroyed if (!slider.initialized) { return; } slider.initialized = false; $('.bx-clone', this).remove(); slider.children.each(function() { if ($(this).data('origStyle') !== undefined) { $(this).attr('style', $(this).data('origStyle')); } else { $(this).removeAttr('style'); } }); if ($(this).data('origStyle') !== undefined) { this.attr('style', $(this).data('origStyle')); } else { $(this).removeAttr('style'); } $(this).unwrap().unwrap(); if (slider.controls.el) { slider.controls.el.remove(); } if (slider.controls.next) { slider.controls.next.remove(); } if (slider.controls.prev) { slider.controls.prev.remove(); } if (slider.pagerEl && slider.settings.controls && !slider.settings.pagerCustom) { slider.pagerEl.remove(); } $('.bx-caption', this).remove(); if (slider.controls.autoEl) { slider.controls.autoEl.remove(); } clearInterval(slider.interval); if (slider.settings.responsive) { $(window).off('resize', resizeWindow); } if (slider.settings.keyboardEnabled) { $(document).off('keydown', keyPress); } //remove self reference in data $(this).removeData('bxSlider'); // remove global window handlers $(window).off('blur', windowBlurHandler).off('focus', windowFocusHandler); }; /** * Reload the slider (revert all DOM changes, and re-initialize) */ el.reloadSlider = function(settings) { if (settings !== undefined) { options = settings; } el.destroySlider(); init(); //store reference to self in order to access public functions later $(el).data('bxSlider', this); }; init(); $(el).data('bxSlider', this); // returns the current jQuery object return this; }; })(jQuery); // source --> http://hangacsimarton.hu/wp-content/plugins/everest-gallery/js/imagesloaded.min.js?ver=1.0.4 /*! * imagesLoaded PACKAGED v4.1.1 * JavaScript is all like "You images are done yet or what?" * MIT License */ !function(t, e){"function" == typeof define && define.amd?define("ev-emitter/ev-emitter", e):"object" == typeof module && module.exports?module.exports = e():t.EvEmitter = e()}("undefined" != typeof window?window:this, function(){function t(){}var e = t.prototype; return e.on = function(t, e){if (t && e){var i = this._events = this._events || {}, n = i[t] = i[t] || []; return - 1 == n.indexOf(e) && n.push(e), this}}, e.once = function(t, e){if (t && e){this.on(t, e); var i = this._onceEvents = this._onceEvents || {}, n = i[t] = i[t] || {}; return n[e] = !0, this}}, e.off = function(t, e){var i = this._events && this._events[t]; if (i && i.length){var n = i.indexOf(e); return - 1 != n && i.splice(n, 1), this}}, e.emitEvent = function(t, e){var i = this._events && this._events[t]; if (i && i.length){var n = 0, o = i[n]; e = e || []; for (var r = this._onceEvents && this._onceEvents[t]; o; ){var s = r && r[o]; s && (this.off(t, o), delete r[o]), o.apply(this, e), n += s?0:1, o = i[n]}return this}}, t}), function(t, e){"use strict"; "function" == typeof define && define.amd?define(["ev-emitter/ev-emitter"], function(i){return e(t, i)}):"object" == typeof module && module.exports?module.exports = e(t, require("ev-emitter")):t.imagesLoaded = e(t, t.EvEmitter)}(window, function(t, e){function i(t, e){for (var i in e)t[i] = e[i]; return t}function n(t){var e = []; if (Array.isArray(t))e = t; else if ("number" == typeof t.length)for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)e.push(t[i]); else e.push(t); return e}function o(t, e, r){return this instanceof o?("string" == typeof t && (t = document.querySelectorAll(t)), this.elements = n(t), this.options = i({}, this.options), "function" == typeof e?r = e:i(this.options, e), r && this.on("always", r), this.getImages(), h && (this.jqDeferred = new h.Deferred), void setTimeout(function(){this.check()}.bind(this))):new o(t, e, r)}function r(t){this.img = t}function s(t, e){this.url = t, this.element = e, this.img = new Image}var h = t.jQuery, a = t.console; o.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), o.prototype.options = {}, o.prototype.getImages = function(){this.images = [], this.elements.forEach(this.addElementImages, this)}, o.prototype.addElementImages = function(t){"IMG" == t.nodeName && this.addImage(t), this.options.background === !0 && this.addElementBackgroundImages(t); var e = t.nodeType; if (e && d[e]){for (var i = t.querySelectorAll("img"), n = 0; n < i.length; n++){var o = i[n]; this.addImage(o)}if ("string" == typeof this.options.background){var r = t.querySelectorAll(this.options.background); for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++){var s = r[n]; this.addElementBackgroundImages(s)}}}}; var d = {1:!0, 9:!0, 11:!0}; return o.prototype.addElementBackgroundImages = function(t){var e = getComputedStyle(t); if (e)for (var i = /url\((['"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, n = i.exec(e.backgroundImage); null !== n; ){var o = n && n[2]; o && this.addBackground(o, t), n = i.exec(e.backgroundImage)}}, o.prototype.addImage = function(t){var e = new r(t); this.images.push(e)}, o.prototype.addBackground = function(t, e){var i = new s(t, e); this.images.push(i)}, o.prototype.check = function(){function t(t, i, n){setTimeout(function(){e.progress(t, i, n)})}var e = this; return this.progressedCount = 0, this.hasAnyBroken = !1, this.images.length?void this.images.forEach(function(e){e.once("progress", t), e.check()}):void this.complete()}, o.prototype.progress = function(t, e, i){this.progressedCount++, this.hasAnyBroken = this.hasAnyBroken || !t.isLoaded, this.emitEvent("progress", [this, t, e]), this.jqDeferred && this.jqDeferred.notify && this.jqDeferred.notify(this, t), this.progressedCount == this.images.length && this.complete(), this.options.debug && a && a.log("progress: " + i, t, e)}, o.prototype.complete = function(){var t = this.hasAnyBroken?"fail":"done"; if (this.isComplete = !0, this.emitEvent(t, [this]), this.emitEvent("always", [this]), this.jqDeferred){var e = this.hasAnyBroken?"reject":"resolve"; this.jqDeferred[e](this)}}, r.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), r.prototype.check = function(){var t = this.getIsImageComplete(); return t?void this.confirm(0 !== this.img.naturalWidth, "naturalWidth"):(this.proxyImage = new Image, this.proxyImage.addEventListener("load", this), this.proxyImage.addEventListener("error", this), this.img.addEventListener("load", this), this.img.addEventListener("error", this), void(this.proxyImage.src = this.img.src))}, r.prototype.getIsImageComplete = function(){return this.img.complete && void 0 !== this.img.naturalWidth}, r.prototype.confirm = function(t, e){this.isLoaded = t, this.emitEvent("progress", [this, this.img, e])}, r.prototype.handleEvent = function(t){var e = "on" + t.type; this[e] && this[e](t)}, r.prototype.onload = function(){this.confirm(!0, "onload"), this.unbindEvents()}, r.prototype.onerror = function(){this.confirm(!1, "onerror"), this.unbindEvents()}, r.prototype.unbindEvents = function(){this.proxyImage.removeEventListener("load", this), this.proxyImage.removeEventListener("error", this), this.img.removeEventListener("load", this), this.img.removeEventListener("error", this)}, s.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), s.prototype.check = function(){this.img.addEventListener("load", this), this.img.addEventListener("error", this), this.img.src = this.url; var t = this.getIsImageComplete(); t && (this.confirm(0 !== this.img.naturalWidth, "naturalWidth"), this.unbindEvents())}, s.prototype.unbindEvents = function(){this.img.removeEventListener("load", this), this.img.removeEventListener("error", this)}, s.prototype.confirm = function(t, e){this.isLoaded = t, this.emitEvent("progress", [this, this.element, e])}, o.makeJQueryPlugin = function(e){e = e || t.jQuery, e && (h = e, h.fn.imagesLoaded = function(t, e){var i = new o(this, t, e); return i.jqDeferred.promise(h(this))})}, o.makeJQueryPlugin(), o}); // source --> http://hangacsimarton.hu/wp-content/plugins/everest-gallery/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js?ver=1.0.4 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Class: prettyPhoto Use: Lightbox clone for jQuery Author: Stephane Caron (http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com) Version: 3.1.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ !function(e){function t(){var e = location.href; return hashtag = - 1 !== e.indexOf("#prettyPhoto")?decodeURI(e.substring(e.indexOf("#prettyPhoto") + 1, e.length)):!1, hashtag && (hashtag = hashtag.replace(/<|>/g, "")), hashtag}function i(){"undefined" != typeof theRel && (location.hash = theRel + "/" + rel_index + "/")}function p(){ - 1 !== location.href.indexOf("#prettyPhoto") && (location.hash = "prettyPhoto")}function o(e, t){e = e.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]"); var i = "[\\?&]" + e + "=([^&#]*)", p = new RegExp(i), o = p.exec(t); return null == o?"":o[1]}e.prettyPhoto = {version:"3.1.6"}, e.fn.prettyPhoto = function(a){function s(){e(".pp_loaderIcon").hide(), projectedTop = scroll_pos.scrollTop + (I / 2 - f.containerHeight / 2), projectedTop < 0 && (projectedTop = 0), $ppt.fadeTo(settings.animation_speed, 1), $pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_content").animate({height:f.contentHeight, width:f.contentWidth}, settings.animation_speed), $pp_pic_holder.animate({top:projectedTop, left:j / 2 - f.containerWidth / 2 < 0?0:j / 2 - f.containerWidth / 2, width:f.containerWidth}, settings.animation_speed, function(){$pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_hoverContainer,#fullResImage").height(f.height).width(f.width), $pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_fade").fadeIn(settings.animation_speed), isSet && "image" == h(pp_images[set_position])?$pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_hoverContainer").show():$pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_hoverContainer").hide(), settings.allow_expand && (f.resized?e("a.pp_expand,a.pp_contract").show():e("a.pp_expand").hide()), !settings.autoplay_slideshow || P || v || e.prettyPhoto.startSlideshow(), settings.changepicturecallback(), v = !0}), m(), a.ajaxcallback()}function n(t){$pp_pic_holder.find("#pp_full_res object,#pp_full_res embed").css("visibility", "hidden"), $pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_fade").fadeOut(settings.animation_speed, function(){e(".pp_loaderIcon").show(), t()})}function r(t){t > 1?e(".pp_nav").show():e(".pp_nav").hide()}function l(e, t){if (resized = !1, d(e, t), imageWidth = e, imageHeight = t, (k > j || b > I) && doresize && settings.allow_resize && !$){for (resized = !0, fitting = !1; !fitting; )k > j?(imageWidth = j - 30, imageHeight = t / e * imageWidth):b > I?(imageHeight = I - 200, imageWidth = e / t * imageHeight):fitting = !0, b = imageHeight, k = imageWidth; (k > j || b > I) && l(k, b), d(imageWidth, imageHeight)}return{width:Math.floor(imageWidth), height:Math.floor(imageHeight), containerHeight:Math.floor(b), containerWidth:Math.floor(k) + 2 * settings.horizontal_padding, contentHeight:Math.floor(y), contentWidth:Math.floor(w), resized:resized}}function d(t, i){t = parseFloat(t), i = parseFloat(i), $pp_details = $pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_details"), $pp_details.width(t), detailsHeight = parseFloat($pp_details.css("marginTop")) + parseFloat($pp_details.css("marginBottom")), $pp_details = $pp_details.clone().addClass(settings.theme).width(t).appendTo(e("body")).css({position:"absolute", top: - 1e4}), detailsHeight += $pp_details.height(), detailsHeight = detailsHeight <= 34?36:detailsHeight, $pp_details.remove(), $pp_title = $pp_pic_holder.find(".ppt"), $pp_title.width(t), titleHeight = parseFloat($pp_title.css("marginTop")) + parseFloat($pp_title.css("marginBottom")), $pp_title = $pp_title.clone().appendTo(e("body")).css({position:"absolute", top: - 1e4}), titleHeight += $pp_title.height(), $pp_title.remove(), y = i + detailsHeight, w = t, b = y + titleHeight + $pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_top").height() + $pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_bottom").height(), k = t}function h(e){return e.match(/youtube\.com\/watch/i) || e.match(/youtu\.be/i)?"youtube":e.match(/vimeo\.com/i)?"vimeo":e.match(/\b.mov\b/i)?"quicktime":e.match(/\b.swf\b/i)?"flash":e.match(/\biframe=true\b/i)?"iframe":e.match(/\bajax=true\b/i)?"ajax":e.match(/\bcustom=true\b/i)?"custom":"#" == e.substr(0, 1)?"inline":"image"}function c(){if (doresize && "undefined" != typeof $pp_pic_holder){if (scroll_pos = _(), contentHeight = $pp_pic_holder.height(), contentwidth = $pp_pic_holder.width(), projectedTop = I / 2 + scroll_pos.scrollTop - contentHeight / 2, projectedTop < 0 && (projectedTop = 0), contentHeight > I)return; $pp_pic_holder.css({top:projectedTop, left:j / 2 + scroll_pos.scrollLeft - contentwidth / 2})}}function _(){return self.pageYOffset?{scrollTop:self.pageYOffset, scrollLeft:self.pageXOffset}:document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop?{scrollTop:document.documentElement.scrollTop, scrollLeft:document.documentElement.scrollLeft}:document.body?{scrollTop:document.body.scrollTop, scrollLeft:document.body.scrollLeft}:void 0}function g(){I = e(window).height(), j = e(window).width(), "undefined" != typeof $pp_overlay && $pp_overlay.height(e(document).height()).width(j)}function m(){isSet && settings.overlay_gallery && "image" == h(pp_images[set_position])?(itemWidth = 57, navWidth = "facebook" == settings.theme || "pp_default" == settings.theme?50:30, itemsPerPage = Math.floor((f.containerWidth - 100 - navWidth) / itemWidth), itemsPerPage = itemsPerPage < pp_images.length?itemsPerPage:pp_images.length, totalPage = Math.ceil(pp_images.length / itemsPerPage) - 1, 0 == totalPage?(navWidth = 0, $pp_gallery.find(".pp_arrow_next,.pp_arrow_previous").hide()):$pp_gallery.find(".pp_arrow_next,.pp_arrow_previous").show(), galleryWidth = itemsPerPage * itemWidth, fullGalleryWidth = pp_images.length * itemWidth, $pp_gallery.css("margin-left", - (galleryWidth / 2 + navWidth / 2)).find("div:first").width(galleryWidth + 5).find("ul").width(fullGalleryWidth).find("li.selected").removeClass("selected"), goToPage = Math.floor(set_position / itemsPerPage) < totalPage?Math.floor(set_position / itemsPerPage):totalPage, e.prettyPhoto.changeGalleryPage(goToPage), $pp_gallery_li.filter(":eq(" + set_position + ")").addClass("selected")):$pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_content").unbind("mouseenter mouseleave")}function u(){if (settings.social_tools && (facebook_like_link = settings.social_tools.replace("{location_href}", encodeURIComponent(location.href))), settings.markup = settings.markup.replace("{pp_social}", ""), e("body").append(settings.markup), $pp_pic_holder = e(".pp_pic_holder"), $ppt = e(".ppt"), $pp_overlay = e("div.pp_overlay"), isSet && settings.overlay_gallery){currentGalleryPage = 0, toInject = ""; for (var t = 0; t < pp_images.length; t++)pp_images[t].match(/\b(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)\b/gi)?(classname = "", img_src = pp_images[t]):(classname = "default", img_src = ""), toInject += "
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